Don't forget to subscribe and comment. Thank you so much for the the effort you guys have put in to make this blog possible. With the amount of subscribers and page views it is unbelievable, soon i will do something special to celebrate our 1000 views. Thanks again and continue reading!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Small Correction

So some of you might have noticed that on the poll is says skining video instead of Skiing Video. For some reason the poll was uneditable, probably because someone had already made a vote. Sorry about that.
Have Fun and Keep Reading!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


If you are someone who sees this blog, please tell your friends about it, i think we could do better than the average of 83 views a month!!! So if you have a Facebook please tell all of your friends and encourage them to do the same. Or even if you don't have a Facebook at least tell 15 people about my blog at I know all of my views has that many people in their contacts! Lets try to get that average up to at least 100 every month i will record our progress in a separate post. Thanks
Have Fun and Keep Reading!