In physics today, our science
teacher a tube with natural gas put into the tube with small holes for
the flame. On the other end there is a speaker. As you can see the sound
waves are mimicking the song. Hope you enjoy!
Don't forget to subscribe and comment. Thank you so much for the the effort you guys have put in to make this blog possible. With the amount of subscribers and page views it is unbelievable, soon i will do something special to celebrate our 1000 views. Thanks again and continue reading!!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Uselessness of Homework
is a Sisyphean task that almost every teacher assigns after a class period. It supposedly
“refreshes” our mind on what we did in class that day so we don’t forget it for
our next class period. But really all homework does is take or social and
physical life from us. For example many kids would rather be playing with there
friends hanging out watching a movie or playing a game. Also Jeremy loves to
work out and I bet he would rather be working on his physical appearance than
his homework that is due the next day for math. If we didn’t have homework,
people like Jeremy would be more physically fit. But when I try to tell my
parents this concept all they say is “kids like you would just be on the
computer all day ruining their minds with some worthless video game.” To that I say
this is true but at least they would be spending time with their friends doing
what we like to do.
example would be me, every Wednesday I go to my church and am in a class that
helps me to be a better Christian. Every other Wednesday there is something
called youth group at my church, were we have diner and play games for an hour
and a half. It is really fun and going to youth group totally depends on the amount
of homework I have. If I can go home after and still have enough time to do my
homework and go to bed on time.
the kids here don’t even do their homework. Either they save it for the bus
ride to school, do it the period before, or even worse copy from fellow classmates.
I am not going to point any fingers are. Those people know who they are.
was interested to see what the internet had to say about homework. I searched
the work “homework” into Google and 9 out of the 10 first things it came up
with was some form of the same question, “How can I get kids to do their
homework?” Interested by this topic I went and looked at the images and over
half of them show kids that looking frustrated with a pile of paper on their
desk. So I went even further and saw there is even a book that is titled “What
to do if you’re Child Hates School.” By Antonia Chitty. If kids aren’t
going to do their homework to the point where your child hates school because
of it, why do teachers assign it in the first place?
in conclusion to let kids be physical, socially, and spiritually healthy we
need to stop the homework or it is going to go too far.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Seattle Auto Show

If you are interested in seeing more picture please leave a comment and i will put more up.

Monday, October 15, 2012
Trick or Treat for Unicef
Trick or Treat for UNICEF is a program that helps kids in other countries, as i will later explain as little as 7cents can make a difference. If you go to my school and are interested in doing this i can give you a box that you put money in. As you go around door to door for candy, say Trick or Treat for UNICEF. Almost everyone knows what it is. They will put in a little bit of money, 7cents gives a packet for purifying water.The day after Halloween you can give the boxes back to me with your name on it and i will turn it in. The person who donates the most gets a $15 Gift Card to Coldstone Creamery. Runner up and third place will get a $10 iTunes gift card. If you are to old for going from house to house, i get it, so i you have a younger sibling give it to them and they can do it for you.
This is what it says on the Website
What started out more than 60 years ago to help children abroad during World War II has evolved into a revolution driven by kids. Thanks to us, girls and boys all over the world receive the help they need for happy and healthy lives.
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF gives us kids the chance to help others. We have raised more than $167 million so far and every donation, big or small, makes a difference. Let’s keep that ball rolling. Be a part of the past, present and future by continuing to participate in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!
Joining the campaign this year is actress, Chloƫ Grace Moretz, star
of films such as Dark Shadows, Hugo, 500 Days of Summer and Let Me In.
“Halloween is such a fun time of year. I love dressing up and taking
part in festivities,” said Moretz. “That’s why I can’t think of a better
way to honor this annual tradition than by supporting UNICEF, an
organization that has saved the lives of millions of children across the
globe. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF gives kids the freedom to choose how
they’d like to express their support through a variety of activities.”
This is what it says on the Website
About Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
For as long as we are kids (even at heart), we will be helping other children in need.What started out more than 60 years ago to help children abroad during World War II has evolved into a revolution driven by kids. Thanks to us, girls and boys all over the world receive the help they need for happy and healthy lives.
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF gives us kids the chance to help others. We have raised more than $167 million so far and every donation, big or small, makes a difference. Let’s keep that ball rolling. Be a part of the past, present and future by continuing to participate in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
How To Write Thank You Notes
Are writing thank you notes a struggle? Do you not know what to say or where to begin? Well this tutorial will make that chore quick and easy. Lets write an gift thank you note. The first sentence should be one that thanks the reader for coming and what gift they gave. This sentence is really strait forward.
EX: Thank you so much for coming to my party and giving me the money and the candy.
For the next sentence you should pick one of there gifts, lets choose the cash because we wrote that first. Then you should explain what you are going to do with said gift.
EX: The money will go towards my college fund.
The next sentence will be similar to the one you just wrote but will explain the next gift.
EX: The candy was really tasty.
The last sentence should thank the reader again and have a good rest of their summer or school year.
EX: Thanks again and have a great rest of your summer
This way is really easy and quick but still gives you the satisfaction that you filled up most of your space. Remember to always do a draft before the final. Feel free to add additional text to your note if you feel that you didn't fill up enough space.
EX: Thank you so much for coming to my party and giving me the money and the candy.
For the next sentence you should pick one of there gifts, lets choose the cash because we wrote that first. Then you should explain what you are going to do with said gift.
EX: The money will go towards my college fund.
The next sentence will be similar to the one you just wrote but will explain the next gift.
EX: The candy was really tasty.
The last sentence should thank the reader again and have a good rest of their summer or school year.
EX: Thanks again and have a great rest of your summer
This way is really easy and quick but still gives you the satisfaction that you filled up most of your space. Remember to always do a draft before the final. Feel free to add additional text to your note if you feel that you didn't fill up enough space.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
1000 Views Goal
Just remember that my blog needs 1000 likes to get adds thanks for all of the work you guys have put into the blog already. I never thought we could get this far. For an incentive i will do something special when we get to that goal. If you have any ideas please post them as a comment to this post and i will put them into consideration. Thanks again and have a great school year.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Review-Nerf N Strike Elite Hail Fire
This blaster is one of the new series called N-Strike Elite. By Hasbro. I bought it at target for a total of $40.
-Uses only 4 AA's
-Holds 48 darts in a total of 8 clips
-Quiet compared to most blasters
-Shoots 75 feet (no lie)
-Cheap compared to Nerf Vulcan
-Comes with 4 clips and 24 darts
-Semi Fire Here is a Showcase of the blaster in action.
-To change clip is were you hold
-Uses different darts
-Uses only 4 AA's
-Holds 48 darts in a total of 8 clips
-Quiet compared to most blasters
-Shoots 75 feet (no lie)
-Cheap compared to Nerf Vulcan
-Comes with 4 clips and 24 darts
-Semi Fire Here is a Showcase of the blaster in action.
-To change clip is were you hold
-Uses different darts
Friday, August 17, 2012
Airsoft Review-MP5 N
Before i start out this review i just want to say that i got it from Big 5. I got this gun for about $80. When i got home to open the almost impossible plastic box, i finally got it out, put the max 45 bbs in the magazine and put through a test run. When i pulled the trigger i just heard the gears running continuously without the bbs firing. That was odd i thought so i tried the other option of spring. cocked the gun pulled the trigger and the bbs fell out the front of the barrel. I knew something was wrong because the free speed loader it came with also didn't work. So the next day i went back to Big 5 to exchange it for a hopefully fully functional MP5. After i got it out of the packaging i put it through the test run and it worked good.
-Adjustable Stock
-Semi & Full auto
-Adjustable Sight
-Spring Option (can't leave batteries in)
-45 round mag
-250 FPS
-Too expensive for what it's worth
-No Rail (but can be attached)
-Adjustable Stock
-Semi & Full auto
-Adjustable Sight
-Spring Option (can't leave batteries in)
-45 round mag
-250 FPS
-Too expensive for what it's worth
-No Rail (but can be attached)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Fun Parkour With Friend
Hello guys, I was over at my friends house and we did some funstuff on the trampoline. I felt like recording it so i could show u people. Here you go.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Weekly Unicorn Fact #3
Sorry for a late fact but i was on vacation at the Ape Caves. Near Mt St Helens in Washington.
Here is your fact...
Marco Polo is not the only famous person to have "encountered" a unicorn. Alexander the Great boasted he had ridden a unicorn into battle, and Julius Caesar reported seeing a unicorn in the forests of Germany. A unicorn appeared to Confucius's mother, heralding the great Chinese philosopher's birth. It later appeared to Confucius, foretelling his death. A unicorn was supposed to live in the garden of Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor. He believed it meant his reign would be long and peaceful. In China the unicorn is seen as a good omen and will only appear to humans if it has important information. If the world is suffering difficult times, the unicorn will disappear. The Chinese unicorn is called Kilin and takes on many different forms. The most familiar has a deer's body, an ox's tail and a horse's hooves. The singular horn is short and its coat is red, yellow, blue, white and black. Sometimes the kilin is covered with green scales.
Again here is the same place i get all the facts.
Here is your fact...
Marco Polo is not the only famous person to have "encountered" a unicorn. Alexander the Great boasted he had ridden a unicorn into battle, and Julius Caesar reported seeing a unicorn in the forests of Germany. A unicorn appeared to Confucius's mother, heralding the great Chinese philosopher's birth. It later appeared to Confucius, foretelling his death. A unicorn was supposed to live in the garden of Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor. He believed it meant his reign would be long and peaceful. In China the unicorn is seen as a good omen and will only appear to humans if it has important information. If the world is suffering difficult times, the unicorn will disappear. The Chinese unicorn is called Kilin and takes on many different forms. The most familiar has a deer's body, an ox's tail and a horse's hooves. The singular horn is short and its coat is red, yellow, blue, white and black. Sometimes the kilin is covered with green scales.
Again here is the same place i get all the facts.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Weekly Unicorn Fact #2
In medieval lore, the spiraled horn of the unicorns was called the alicorn,
and was thought to neutralize poisons. In popular mythology, unicorns were
hunted for their horns, which were said to protect one against diseases, or, if
made into a cup, would protect on eform any poison that might have been added to
one's drink. This belief is derived from Ctesias' reports on the unicorn in
India, where it was used by the rulers of that place for anti-toxin purposes so
as to avoid assassination.
This fact is fromThis Website.
This fact is fromThis Website.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Weekly Unicorn Fact #1
The Unicorn has been a part of the Royal Seal of Scotland since the 1300s. When
James became king of both Scotland and England, he redrew the Royal Coat of Arms
to include both the Lion of England and the Scottish Unicorn.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Pegs Completion
I will give $3 to the first person who completes the Pegs puzzle on the right hand side of the page. I have tried and failed. You will nedd to take a screenshot for proof and show it to me somehow.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Albretsons Sizzlin Summer Sweepstakes
Before i go into explaining what this is or why i posted this post i want to give you these links: Main Website ,Odds of Winning, Find a Store Near You.
This is a monopoly type game that uses ticket that you get from buying certain items. And you apply them to a game board that you can get at the register. There are many different prizes including the big prize of 1 million dollars and there is also another million dollars worth of other smaller prizes like a new car or a gift card. Each time you buy one of the certain items you get a ticket, inside that ticket are 4 smaller tokens that you put on your game board. The ticket also has another add on like a coupon or "2 free tickets" another thing you can get is a piece of paper with a 12 digit number on it. What that is for is if no one gets all 6 tokens for the 1 million dollar prize they will draw a number out of all the people who put in their number. And if your name is drawn you get the million dollar prize. To put in the code number you must have an account through Albretsons. This is a way better process than last year because last year you had to mail in two tickets that were very common. I sent in over 200 for the 1,000 cash prize and i thought i had a good chance of winning but i lost and didn't get the prize. :( Over all this is a great way for our family to try and win something because we go there all the time for food so we might as well have a chance at getting something.
This is a monopoly type game that uses ticket that you get from buying certain items. And you apply them to a game board that you can get at the register. There are many different prizes including the big prize of 1 million dollars and there is also another million dollars worth of other smaller prizes like a new car or a gift card. Each time you buy one of the certain items you get a ticket, inside that ticket are 4 smaller tokens that you put on your game board. The ticket also has another add on like a coupon or "2 free tickets" another thing you can get is a piece of paper with a 12 digit number on it. What that is for is if no one gets all 6 tokens for the 1 million dollar prize they will draw a number out of all the people who put in their number. And if your name is drawn you get the million dollar prize. To put in the code number you must have an account through Albretsons. This is a way better process than last year because last year you had to mail in two tickets that were very common. I sent in over 200 for the 1,000 cash prize and i thought i had a good chance of winning but i lost and didn't get the prize. :( Over all this is a great way for our family to try and win something because we go there all the time for food so we might as well have a chance at getting something.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
If you happened to vote. And you choosed other. Please replay to this as a comment and let me know what i should talk about. I will talk about the thing that has the most agrees with. even if it is something i dont want to talk about. :/
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
RFTS Video Games
This is a little RRTS i wrote for my humanities class i thought that it would be a great thing to put on my blog! Enjoy!
lot of parents say that video games are bad for the brain and all the other
internal organs and nothing good can come from it. Although the are some pros
to playing, for example whatever game you are playing you are most likely
playing it with a friend so you are being social and meet new friends. When
parents or guardians exclude you from playing the game you are not being social
and probably will not have a good social life growing up. This does not mean
that you should be doing this instead of your homework and I am not saying that
you should play on it for 10 hours strait because that can ruin your eyesight
and that is not good. Another thing that parents say is that “Get off your lazy
but and go find a job”. In a game called Diablo
III a player
that has a lot of good items can sell those good items to people who really “need”
it and in return will pay you in real money! Can you believe it a game that you
can actually make money off of. One last thing that parents say is that “go
be active and do something creative”. I do agree that every person should get
30min of outside time a day. But I also know that in a game called Minecraft all
you do is creative building and crafting. It is basically a sandbox world where
you can build whatever you want out of blocks. In conclusion playing video
games after you get your homework done and you’re at least 30min of outside
time. You should be able to relax, be social and play some video games!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Gameing Headphone Review
It has been a while sense i have written a post but i wanted to do a review for the "plantronics gamecom 367 closed ear gaming headset". These for the price are GREAT, your friends can hear you better when you are playing a game, the mouth piece doesnt get in your way and they look AMAZING. when you put them on you look like an air traffic controller, all you need are some shades and you are ready to go. There is a nice foam that coushins your head so it doesnt pinch your hair or for when you are on the computer for a long time you can barly remember they are even on your head. They cover the ears quite nicly, your ears dont get much stress on them for long term playing and did i mention that they look AMAZING. If i were you and are using a pair of rosetta stone headphones, pay $25 to get these bad boys. It uses a headset and a microphone plug so it doesnt tkae vauleable USB space. It also comes with a adjustable sound part on the cord! The only downside to these AMAZING headphones is that they are big and bulky. Despite what some of the 1star reviews say on Amazon they are worth the price. THEY ARE ONLY $25 FOR A LIMITED TIME SO PICK YOURSELF A PAIR UP ON AMAZON TODAY!!!!!!AMAZING

Saturday, March 17, 2012
Lazer Quest
I went to a lazer tag place down in federal way called LazerQuest. the outside looks like it is going to be really lame but when you start playing the field that you play on is really cool. There is 3 main towers with 2 z ramps up to the towers. You have a vest with a sensor on the front a sensor on the back and 1 on each shoulder. There are small mirrors so you can bounce the lazers around. The gun never runs out of ammo so you don't have to refill all the time. Overall i would say that it is a great place to play lazertag, way better tha the one at the family fun center. Remember to suscribe and comment!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Another fun game that not much of you have heard of is called Maplestory, it is an online game that you download and you get lvls the more you kill monsters. the game is made by Nexon, they also make alot of other games. This game can be very addictive, and every gamers dream is to get to the highest level. Which in this case is 200. Warning if your parents have a password lock for not letting you install stuff on to your computer, you need that password you want to play the game, which can get very annoying. Here is the link to the website. If you are interested in me doing a segment on the characters, just post a comment.
The last game that i am going to be talking about is Youtube. I know what all of you are thinking, "how is Youtube a game?". Well just be patient i am going to tell you. For me surfing youtube looking at minecraft vids or whatever you are interested in is a game. Also some videos have seperate links to other videos that makes it like a chose your path sort of thing. Here is an example video.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Airsoft P99
Yesterday i went over to Cabelas to look at airsoft guns. I was browsing around at the pistols because all my other friends have pistols and wont fight me because i have the JG G36c. Any way i saw the P99 on a shelf and i knew it was a good gun because it had a lot of good reviews off of amazon. So i bought it for $25 and a couple of other items and started heading home. When I got home i quickly unpack-aged the gun, filled it with .12g bbs and went outside. I cocked the gun and it got stuck so i pulled the release and it was in the firing position. I pulled the trigger and it made a sound but nothing came out of the barrel. I tried it again 10 more times and it would fire 50% of the time. I don't know if there was something wrong with the gun or i was doing something wrong. If someone could please help me out here i would greatly appreciate it.Besides all of the problems it looks like a very promising gun.
Here are the statistics of the gun
FPS-250(.12g), Spring, 12 clip capacity, hop-up, metal barrel, metal parts, precision accuracy(not really), authentic replica, 6mm soft air. It also comes with a sticky target.
Here is the link to amazon were they sell the gun on Amazon.
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