Don't forget to subscribe and comment. Thank you so much for the the effort you guys have put in to make this blog possible. With the amount of subscribers and page views it is unbelievable, soon i will do something special to celebrate our 1000 views. Thanks again and continue reading!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How To Write Thank You Notes

Are writing thank you notes a struggle? Do you not know what to say or where to begin? Well this tutorial will make that chore quick and easy. Lets write an gift thank you note. The first sentence should be one that thanks the reader for coming and what gift they gave. This sentence is really strait forward.

EX: Thank you so much for coming to my party and giving me the money and the candy.

For the next sentence you should pick one of there gifts, lets choose the cash because we wrote that first. Then you should explain what you are going to do with said gift.

EX: The money will go towards my college fund.

The next sentence will be similar to the one you just wrote but will explain the next gift.

EX: The candy was really tasty.

The last sentence should thank the reader again and have a good rest of their summer or school year.

EX: Thanks again and  have a great rest of your summer


This way is really easy and quick but still gives you the satisfaction that you filled up most of your space. Remember to always do a draft before the final. Feel free to add additional text to your note if you feel that you didn't fill up enough space.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1000 Views Goal

Just remember that my blog needs 1000 likes to get adds thanks for all of the work you guys have put into the blog already. I never thought we could get this far. For an incentive i will do something special when we get to that goal. If you have any ideas please post them as a comment to this post and i will put them into consideration. Thanks again and have a great school year.